Phalloplasty - plastic surgery on the penis

A man who rarely thinks about the size of his dignity. The average penis among Europeans is between 13 and 16 centimeters long. Some representatives of the stronger sex think about surgical intervention.

Penis enlargement surgery aims to eliminate penis defects: curvature, small size. It is possible not only to lengthen the penis, but also to increase the volume.

The average size of the penis is from 13 to 16 cm

How plastic surgery is done on the penis

In the first stage, men seek medical advice. He assesses the patient's condition. If there are no visible defects and problems, then the doctor will try to explain that there is no need for surgical intervention. After talking with the surgeon, some young people refuse plastic surgery, others decide to enlarge the penis.

In the second stage, men collect the necessary tests, undergo an examination by a narrow specialist. They need to consult with urologists, cardiologists, therapists (if necessary, other doctors). For the operation, you need the results of blood tests, urine tests, coagulograms, electrocardiograms.

Then the patient goes to the operation, spending 1-2 days after that in the hospital, regaining their strength and staying away from anesthesia. Within 1-3 months, depending on the type of intervention, the recovery process takes place.

There are three types of phalloplasty:

  • lengthening of the penis, while the thickness remains the same;
  • thickening of the penis, but its length will not change;
  • prosthetics is serious plastic surgery on the penis. It is carried out only according to indications, but not every doctor will agree to surgical intervention. As a prosthesis, surgeons implant cartilage tissue or elastic material with similar characteristics.

Attention! Only one type of operation can be selected. It is impossible to increase the size and thickness of the penis at the same time. If desired, the patient has to undergo one plastic surgery, undergo rehabilitation, and then undergo a new surgery.


With the help of ligamentotomy, you can increase the length of the penis

Ligamentotomy is a surgical procedure aimed at lengthening the penis. Often it is carried out for medical reasons. If a man is an adult and mentally healthy, then he can also do plastic surgery. During the operation, the surgeon cuts the superior ligament that supports the penis. Therefore, the length of the penis does not change, but due to the extension of the cavernous body, it increases in size.

An important role is played by the period after the operation, with proper recovery, the penis will become larger. If the patient does not follow the doctor's recommendations, then there will be no positive results.

Ligamentotomy is performed under general or epidural anesthesia and takes 30 minutes. Prior hospitalization is not required. The member is extended by 3-6 centimeters. On the first day after the operation, you can see that the penis has become bigger by 1-1. 5 centimeters. Further growth occurs in the recovery process.

The penis should be stretched gradually and regularly. Some need three months to consolidate results, others - at least six months. It is necessary to wear the extension device for 2-4 hours a day. At first, a stretcher, no earlier than a month later - an extender. If the recovery is done correctly, then the penis will be longer and will not return to its place.


Perform penis enlargement surgery

Phalloplasty, in which the penis becomes wider in circumference, is called lipofilling. This is a common minimally invasive surgery. It is carried out only under general anesthesia, it takes up to 3 hours. The operation is performed according to absolute indications, when the penis is curved, or it has insufficient width. If you want to improve the appearance of the reproductive organs and there are no contraindications, lipofilling is performed for men over 18 years old.

The patient's natural fat is injected under the skin of the penis. It is taken from the back, stomach, thighs. Biological material is cleaned from fractions, injected into the penis, evenly distributed along the entire length. The surgeon sews up the puncture site, covering it with a special plaster. Implants or silicone can also be inserted.

Within 1-2 months, the doctor advises to avoid sports, serious physical exertion. Also, at this time, you should not have sex, otherwise the effects of plastic surgery will be wasted.

The main advantages of the procedure:

  • increase in number by 1-1. 5 centimeters;
  • minimal risk of complications, because natural biological substances are taken;
  • during recovery, you should not wear extension devices.

The main disadvantage of plastic surgery is that it is temporary. After a few years, the procedure should be repeated, because the penis will be the same size.

Attention! In the case of an unsuccessful operation, there is a possibility of deformation of the penis, the appearance of irregularities and seals.


Complications of surgery may be pain in the penis during erection.

If a man does not have serious indications for surgery, the length and shape of the penis does not affect sexual intercourse, then the plastic surgeon will try to prevent him from surgery. Often they show documentaries about how surgery is carried out. Some young men immediately reject penis enlargement.

If the decision is final, then it is worth familiarizing yourself with possible complications. Among them are as follows:

  • pain during sexual intercourse and during erection;
  • when urinating, there is bleeding from the urethra;
  • during intercourse, the reproductive organs occupy an unstable position, the sensitivity of the head may decrease;
  • suture pus, penile infection.

Complications may appear within a year. For any symptoms, you should see a doctor for therapeutic measures.

Minor side effects include:

  • bumps and bruises on the penis;
  • body swelling;
  • the appearance of blisters;
  • weak erection;
  • the appearance of blood clots in the penis.

Members after surgery must recover. During three to four weeks, physical exercise should be avoided, bed linen and shorts should be changed frequently. Take the medicines prescribed by your doctor.

What does the penis look like after surgery

After the penis enlargement surgery appears swollen

Immediately after surgery, the penis appears swollen, with significant hyperemia. After the lengthening procedure, the stitches remain. Sometimes men fear that erectile function will not return to them. But this is a false fear.

After a few days, the swelling and redness will disappear. After a few weeks, the surgeon removes the stitches. The recovery process begins. If the patient follows all the doctor's recommendations, then soon the genital organ will regain its former appearance, but will become longer or thicker, depending on the operation. After 1-2 months, men start having sex, enjoying new experiences.

How much does penis enlargement surgery cost?

The cost of penis enlargement surgery depends on many factors.

For many patients, price plays an important role. It depends on several factors:

  • the status and recognition of the clinic, the more authoritative the institution, the higher the cost;
  • qualifications and experience of doctors, the services of surgeons with many years of experience are much more expensive;
  • purchase of additional materials. For example: extender;
  • type of surgical intervention. Prosthetics are considered the most expensive procedures.

Which doctor to contact

Surgical instrument for phalloplasty, which increases the size of the penis

Having decided on the desire to enlarge the penis, men ask themselves questions about the name of the operation, where they perform penile plastic surgery. Surgery is carried out in public and private clinics. Need to find a suitable option in a large regional center.

Men should seek advice from a plastic surgeon, he will assess the situation, explain the possible options to solve the problem.

Attention! Before asking for help, search the Internet for information about clinics and doctors, read reviews. Be careful, only good comments indicate that they were bought by an irresponsible clinic.

Commentary on ligamentotomy

With a small penis size, a man can use phalloplasty
  1. "My size has always seemed small. Only 12 centimeters in an upright position. Although the wife is satisfied with everything. I could not make up my mind for a long time, I finally decided on surgery and the clinic. What can I say? No regrets. The penis has increased to16 cm The only negative is the long recovery. I had to abstain from sex for a month, and wear a stretcher for almost half a year.
  2. "During sports, I fell and injured my penis. I had to undergo several surgeries, then I underwent a ligamentotomy. The results are pleasing. I now enjoy a satisfying sex life. "
  3. "I began to think about surgery, on the recommendation of a friend. He increased the length of the penis by 4 centimeters. I studied reviews about the clinic, photos before and after the intervention. Six months ago I went under the knife. Very satisfied, and my girlfriendten times more satisfied. "

Results of penile prosthetics and implant identification

Male reproductive organs that can be enlarged with implants

Prosthesis is inserted only when there is no way to restore men's health in other ways. There are three types of implants:

  • plastic - inside there is a metal base. A man brings the penis into a state of erection at any time, in the rest of the clock the penis is in a state of rest;
  • inflatable - a simple and modern type of prosthesis. The penis is stimulated by a built-in inflatable pump where it is attached;
  • hard - used very rarely, because they are heavy, the penis is always in tension.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. An incision is made in the scrotum, foreskin or pubis. The implant is inserted into the penis, then the wound is sutured, attaching to the tissue of the penis.

Attention! The operation was considered difficult. The implant may not take root, causing suppuration, you need to be mentally prepared for negative consequences, regardless of the qualifications of the operating doctor.


Doctors warn about possible contraindications for penis enlargement surgery

During surgery, the patient is usually given epidural anesthesia. It is prohibited in the following cases:

  • if a man has a mental or neurological pathology;
  • with congenital heart defects;
  • if blood clotting is affected;
  • with increased intracranial pressure.

Contraindications for penis enlargement surgery include:

  • urological diseases;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • oncological tumors;
  • smoothed coronal sulcus;
  • old age, over 60 years old.


Men who are not satisfied with the size of their dignity can use surgical intervention. First, they should find out if phalloplasty is performed in their city, then choose a specialist. Most patients are satisfied with the results. But before deciding to intervene, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications and side effects.